Working Papers:
(if not posted, please email for latest version)
[1] “Representativeness Biases and Lucky Store Effects”, with Jia Yuan and Jie Zheng - revision requested by International Economic Review
[2] “Discretionary Red Tape”, with Hanjoon Michael Jung, Chul-In Lee, and Jie Zheng - reject and resubmit, American Economic Review
[3] "'They Never Had a Chance': Unequal Opportunities and Fair Redistributions", with Lu Dong and Lingbo Huang - revise and resubmit, Economic Journal
[4] "How Alliances Form and Conflict Ensues", with Lu Dong, Lingbo Huang and Jie Zheng - revise and resubmit, Games and Economic Behavior
[5] "A Deduction Mechanism for Public Goods Provision: Theory and Experiment", with Fuhai Hong and Jie Zheng
[6] "Exaggerating to Break-Even: Reference-Dependent Moral Hazard in Auto Insurance Claims", with Feng Gao and Jie Zheng
[7] "Lying for Efficiency or Fairness?", with Jinglan Zhang and Jie Zheng
[8] “Pollution Motivates Hope-Seeking Behavior”, with Shaoshuai Li and Jia Yuan
[9] "What Brings Consumers Back for More? Evidence from Quantifiable Gain and Loss Experiences in Penny Auctions", with Minbo Xu and Jie Zheng
[10] “Where You Stand Affects the Risks You Take: Socially Reference-Dependent Risk Attitudes”, with Jie Zheng
[11] "Major Earthquakes and Presently-Gratifying Expenditures", with Qingqing Peng and Jie Zheng
[12] "Pump-faking the Effort? Evidence from NBA Players' Contracts", with Qingliang Fan, Lin Meng and Jie Zheng
[13] "Male, Female or No Comment? Gender Information Disclosure in Trusting and Reciprocating", with Yunwen He and Jie Zheng
[14] "Hierarchical Bayesian Persuasion", with Zhonghong Kuang and Jie Zheng
[15] "Multiple Reference Points and Length of Ownership in the Housing Market", with Naqun Huang and Jie Zheng
[16] "Prediction and Learning about Credit Card Spending", with Liyin Jin and Junji Xiao
[17] "The Cooperative Consequences of Contests" - with Jie Zheng and Yilin Zhuo
[18] “Making Use of the Wisdom of Crowds: Stuck in the Majority Rule” – with Yunwen He and Jie Zheng
[19] "A reminder in the air: Attention to pollution and the purchase of critical illness insurance", with Feng Gao, Jun Wang, Qian Wang and Jie Zheng
[20] "Perception Bias in Tullock Contests", with Hangcheng Zhao and Jie Zheng
[21] "Buy, Hold or Sell? Air Quality and Financial Analyst Reports", with Feng Gao, Qian Wang, and Jie Zheng
[22] "Managing Competitions Using Information: Information Disclosure Policy in Contests with Heterogeneous Players", with Qian Jiao and Jie Zheng
[23] "A Fairness Condition for Unfair Contests: Multi-dimensional Favoritism with Asymmetric Players", with Xiaoyu Cheng and Jie Zheng
[24] "Welfare Implications of a Flexible Retirement Policy", with Zhenhua Feng and Jie Zheng
[25] “Revisiting the Asymmetric Matching Pennies Contradiction”, with Lin Zhang and Jie Zheng
[26] "Discouraged or Motivated at University? Goals and Reference Points in Academic Performance", with Jie Zheng
[27] “Limited Attention and the Deadline Effect: Simple Spending Rules in the Field”
[28] “Bad Bonuses: Incentive Incompatibility in China's Income Tax Code”, with Jie Zheng and Xiaohan Zhong
[29] “Street–Smart or Sheltered? Trust Types, Behavior, and Choices of China's Youth”, with Hongbin Li and Qingqing Peng
[30] “Trust by Region: Attitudes of China’s Millennial Generation”, with Hongbin Li and Qingqing Peng
Manuscripts in Preparation:
[1] “Battle of the Sexes with Subjective Priors” – with Yongchao Zhang and Jie Zheng
[2] “Why is Layaway Attractive? Hypotheses and Empirical Facts”
[3] “The Utility Representation of Interdependent Preferences” – with Jie Zheng
[4] “First Mover versus Cost Advantage: Network Effects in the Competition between Proprietary and Open Source Platforms” – with Mingzhi Li and Jie Zheng
[5] “Status-quo and Expectations-based Reference Dependence: Evidence from Slot Machines” – with Jie Zheng
[6] "A New Solution to Nash's Bargaining Problem" - with Jie Zheng
[7] "Believing and Not Seeing" - with Jia Yuan
[8] "Information Structure, Bubble Frequency and Bubble Size" - with Mu Zhang and Jie Zheng
[9] "Multi-dimensional Tullock Contests" - with Hangcheng Zhao and Jie Zheng
[10] "Beijing's Environmental Factors and Transportation Choices" - with Waisum Chook and Jie Zheng
[11] "The Effects of Smoke-Free Policies on Cigarette Demand: Empirical Evidence from China's Cigarette Industry" - with Yao Wang and Junji Xiao
[12] “Income Concentration at the Poverty Line in Rural China” – with Feng Gao and Jie Zheng
[13] "Auctions for Public Commodities" - with Hanjoon Michael Jung and Jie Zheng
Selected Work in Progress:
[1] “Dynamic Set Representativeness” – with Jia Yuan
[2] “Savings, Layaway or Credit?” - with Hanming Fang and Jie Zheng
[3] “Bargaining for the Future through Dynamic Coordination Failure” - with Jie Zheng
[4] “Naively Diversifying” – with Jie Zheng
[5] “Skill and Luck in Sports Betting” – with Brad Humphreys and Jia Yuan
[6] "The Moving Store Phenomenon" - with Guangying Chen, Zeng Lian and Jie Zheng
[7] "Information, Competition and Spatial Price Discrimination" - with Yongchao Zhang and Jie Zheng
[8] "Timing in Bricks versus Clicks: Real and Virtual Competition with Sequential Entrants" - with Mingzhi Li and Jie Zheng
[9] "Social News Sentiment and Equity Trading Indicators" - with Siqi Pei
[10] “Reference Points for Effort Provision in an Experimental Labor Market” – with Jie Zheng
[11] “Patron Networks and Project Partners” – with Fei Shi, Hangcheng Zhao and Jie Zheng